Studio Kō is a Los Angeles-based shop established in 2018, offering a curated selection of high-end homeware. We focus on showcasing the craftsmanship of Korean artists in both traditional and contemporary art.

At Studio Kō, we prioritize the value of Korean crafts and support sustainable working conditions for our talented artists. Each piece is a true work of art created by skilled hands.

We believe that incorporating high-quality, well-crafted household items into your daily life can positively impact your mood and enhance your overall experiences.

Discover the beauty of Korean crafts and elevate your lifestyle with Studio Kō.


"I’ve always been drawn to the sense of smell. When I was 7 or 8 years old and living in Korea, I remember my grandmother used to collect miniature bottles of perfume that would give her apartment heavy notes of amber, sandalwood, and rose. I would spend hours smelling each individual fragrance; this was very formative. Ever since, my memory seemed to be uniquely directed by my sense of smell. After moving to Los Angeles in 2011, I found myself learning a new language, in an entirely different environment and culture; one that was diverse, broad and exciting. At the same time, I missed home, and it was often passing smells that would remind me of the familiar; of Korea."

  "Studio Kō represents that connection to home, a sense of identity, and discovery of your past within products that are both contemporary and specifically of historical Korean context and interpretation. The word “Kō” is Korean for 'nose'(코) and something 'old'(古), and I wanted to curate a studio collection of design and lifestyle brands that represent both Korean tradition and reinterpretation, revealing that what is present, is firmly rooted within our past. As I continue to evolve as an artist, I hope to preserve my love for Korean culture and introduce designs that bridge the past to the future."

Ibi Yoo  /  founder, studio kō